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Kif & Co, Enliven Your Ecyosystem.



Creative Directors: Valerie Brooks & Marissa Goldman
@brooksvalerino @themediawitch_

Created for Kif and Co, Los Angeles @kifkefirwater

Directed by: Valerie Brooks
Production Designed by: Marissa Goldman
Produced by: Maddy Rich @imrichbetch
Edited by Valerie Brooks
Social Cuts by @azayascut
Associate Producer: Alexandra Wardlaw @alexandra_wardlaw
Camera Operator: Jean Louis Droulers @jeanlouisssssssss
Camera Assistant: Evan Anderson
Gaffer: Tiara Olson @tiarao333
Locations: Argon Props @argonprops
Wardrobe Design: Anabel Shuckhart @ (a.bellshuck)
Makeup By: Mary Galvin @maregalvin
Visual Effects by: Marissa Goldman
Set Assistants:
Brennan Lee @brennanleecomedy 
Nora Lonergan @loranonergan

Breanna Mascorro @breamascorro
Jasmine Eden @honeybabyjazzy
Kia Farhad @kiaforte
Syndey Rylander @sydneya.j
Cameron England
Brennan Lee  @brennanleecomedy

Fashion Brand Company,
Clothing for Lizards

Creative Directors: Carianne King & Valerie Brooks
@carianneking @brooksvalerino

Clothing for Lizards, for Fashion Brand Company

Written by Carianne King @carianneking
Produced by Valerie Brooks @brooksvalerino
Edited by Valerie Brooks @brooksvalerino
Lizards by Rhonda’s Reptiles @rhondasreptiles
Director of Photography and Colorist - James P. Gannon @jpgannon
Production Design - Rafi Lorie @raelgoodraf
VFX - Lorenza Centi @craftsnool
1st AC - Danny Rosenberg @meredithscousin
Voiceover - Max Baumgarten @maxlbaumgarten